It had been 6 months since I last went to fabric and I had heard a bag of mixed reviews from people who had be inbetween that time. With this in mind I was rather skeptical but the line up demanded my attendance! This said, upon arriving I was rather disappointed to see that Rustie was no longer on the line up leaving the glasgow team a man down! As we got in Joy Orbison was tearing down room two playing a mutated strain of bass heavy funky that head everybody dancing. With all the hype around the man behind arugably the biggest tune of the year 'Hyph Mngo', it was good to see that his set lived up to his music. This was the first time I had seen him play and I was very impressed! Looking around the club there seemed to be an army of guys wearing checkered shirts with the top button done up - just an observation. Furthermore, it was nice to see more ladies around in the crowd.
After Mr.Orbison the dynamic duo that is Instra:mental (Al Bleek and Damon Drama) stepped up to the plate. Mr. Bleek opened up their set with the rather surprising Breakage remix of Sideny Sampson's 'Riverside' which sounded HUGE after that dropping Matt-U's monster 'Watching You' which is forthcoming on Subway records. I'm pretty sure this was the song but excuse me if I'm wrong as it could have also been Skream's 'Exothermic Reaction'. Whatever it was I made a b line for the both demanding a reload which was granted! They also played a Scuba tune start to finish that only they and Scuba have supposedly.
It seemed that at 1 am most of the club descended onto room 1 to see one of last years biggest stars, Hudson Mohawke, do his thing. He was accompanied by Olivier Daysoul and it good to see that a large majoritiy of the room were singing along to 'Just Decided'. 'ZOo00OOm' sounded BIGGG as the bleeps being replaced with a scartchy guitar that sounded too sick! I think next time that this song should be perfomed with a live band because the use of the guitar sounded amazing. Towards 1.45 when his set was supposed to be finished I was worried that he would not have time to play my favourite song off the album. However, the crowd and I were not disappointed when the unmissable panpipes of 'Fuse' came in. He ended his set with his remix of 'Ooops' not only getting the girls in a frenzy but he also had the resident 'badmen' you always see in the corneres singing! All in all I was very pleased to have finally see him play and again I was not disappointed! I'm sure everyone is expecting even bigger things from him this year and I'm looking forward to seeing what he has in store for us!
The party vibes of room 1 continued on into room 3 where Hot City was playing an old skool garage set accompanied by Crazy D who was getting the crowd hyped as per usual. I heard this dropped which I had not heard for years! So big ups for bringing this one back to mind!
Having had my fix of garage Todd Edwards was missed in order to see dBridge. I'm glad I made this choice because he opened his set with an absoulute banger! It was a remix of Jay-Z's 'Sunshine' and the bass was BIGGG! Maybe it will see a cheeky white label release or it could be lost for ever! His whole set was immaculate as per usual and he had both Crazy D and Dread mcing for him which sounded unusual but in a good way. The deep space bass of dbridge with the playfulness of these two emcees lended a nice skanky atmosphere as it would have been easy to find the darkest corner and just nod ya head the whole way through. A lot of people it seems are starting to get annoyed with mc's for chatting too much and rightly so! BAD mcs can completely killl everything! Apprently at the Outlook Reunion party Plastician had 4 mcs all of which were louder than the music!
After this the back pains were almost unbearable and it was time to leave meaning that unfortunately Headhunter, J.Sparrow & Untold were missed. I would have liked to see what Untold would have played so any one who caught him drop us an e-mail! That night proved that Fabric is far from dead as the club was completely rammed, on top of that there was no aggyness or anything like that just vibes :-) It was a perfect night to start the year all of the aritsts playing are pushing the future sounds of their repsective genres be it Drum & Bass, Dubstep, Funky or if you missed it, you missed out!
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