I'm feeling a bit under the weather so had time to go through the old hard drive and dig up some forgoten gems. I found this which is the perfect music to relax to and unwind on a lazy sunday. Think J.Dilla playing at Cafe Del Mar or on a beach in Goa somewhere. This is an instrumental tape Texan producer M Slago and his style is a fusion of old school hip hop, jazz and ambient. Download this, let the whole thing play from start to finish and you will not be disappointed. Even if you don't like hip hop - be brave and have a look see!One's to look out for are 'Soul Music' and 'Make Love To You' and 'On Time'.
01. Digisheets
02. Downtown
03. Elation
04. Felicia
05. Funky Nasa 5
06. Glimpse
07. Jam On 2
08. Keyhole
09. Funky Nasa 9
10. Look of Love
11. Make Love to You
12. On Time
13. Orions Belt
14. Funky Nasa 14
15. Puss in Boots
16. Soul Music
17. Ultra
18. Villiany
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