He's just released his first EP as Redlight on his own Lobster Boy imprint with four BIGGG tunes on there that have been smashing up clubs all round the country, including 'Feels So Good ft. Dread MC', 'Kid Soldiers' and 'Pick Up The Phone ft. Jenna G'.
He's been getting a lot of support from heavyweights like Rusko, Skream, Benga and Joker, who have his tunes on constant rotation, and his latest production 'MDMA' is an absolutely massive riddem right now!
I've seen him play out twice now and both times I've loved it. His new sound is dancefloor friendly, without being too hype, which means you'll see more ladies in a Redlight set than most other artists today! He drops everything from Major Lazer to Skream, MJ Cole to Rusko and Toddla T to Joker! So dun know he's got a big bag full of dubplates from everyone!
We caught up with him before his set in Leeds a couple of weeks back to see how life was treating him and what he had planned. Here's what the man had to say:
When did the whole Redlight idea come about?
About 2 years ago. I was just like right I’ve gotta do it now! I’ve been making this kind of music for about 5 years now. The plan was that by the end of this year to have 60 minutes of my own music, of all Redlight, and I can do that now if I want to so the project is coming along nicely.
Did you just fall out of love with drum and bass then?
I just kinda stopped really enjoying what I was doing. And was really getting into making different kinds of music and was a lot happier making music which didn’t have restraints to a certain tempo, or certain type. On the EP for example the tempo varies from tune to tune. I like to mix it up a bit!
What other projects do you have coming up?
I’ve got a project coming up with Toddla T, but we haven’t got a name for it yet. That’s l;ike 128bpm stuff. So that’s gonna be exciting. I’m producing Ben Westbeech’s album too, and I’m doing stuff for Jammer’s album. I’ve just signed a 12” to Chase And Status’ label as well.
On More Than A lot? What’s that gonna be then
It’s gonna be the next single with 'MDMA' and then 'Robot Chopstick' on the flip.
That’s a big tune. Wasn’t it just meant to be an instrumental tho?
Yeah it was meant for an MC’s album but some people picked it up, and now everyone’s jumped on it and loads of people are playing it, like Skream, etc.
What’s your new Tempa T remix sounding like?
I done one mix of it but it’s too gully man. It’s like proper man music! It’s alright but I’m doing a better version of it at the moment, which is nearly finished. I’ll play he old mix tonight though. The first one is too gully tho. I don’t want kids stabbing each other!
So everything is good then?
Yeah, I’m happy. I’m pushing something forward you know? When I was Clipz, I loved it don’t get me wrong, but it was like the roots and the foundations had already been set by other people. And with what I’m doing now there is no constraint so I’m free to really push this sound forward!
What’s the idea behind Lobster Boy? I don’t get it!
It was originally meant to be Sushi Boy, but then I got proper mashup in Miami stayed up all night, feel asleep on the beach and woke up bright red and I was like that’s it…..Lobster Boy! Then my mate did the little design and it was done.
For me, like music is about having fun. Music can he hard, gully, nice, whatever! That’s one part of it, but another part is the vision, direction and being able to do what you want cos at the end of the day this is what you made so you have to be happy with it yourself.
Exactly, that’s what I love about Rusko. He doesn’t take himself or the music too seriously.
Yeah Rusko is another artist who is constantly moving forward. And that’s what it’s about. Moving forward. You don’t stay at secondary school til you’re 30 do you. You leave at 16 then move on. It’s the same with music. You make a plan, you do it, you roll it out and move on.
Are you getting a lot more interest and work now as Redlight over Clipz? Cos you’re the one at the forefront of this sound. Really pushing it forward.
Yeah definitely. That’s because this country loves new music right. It’s like Joy Orbison now! It’s like NEW NEW NEW NEW! That’s why everyone loves it! But everyone should do new shit! If you’re going against the grain people are gonna notice you, if you’re in with everyone else no one is gonna know who you are!
What do you think about people downloading your music for free or illegally then?
It’s inevitable. You can’t stop it! But if people still want people like me to do this, cos we don’t get much money from it, then you’ve got to support the artists. Otherwise we won’t be moving forward cos we can’t do this for free out whole lives!
Why the name Redight?
Cos of Clipz. Because when it clips it turns into a red signal, and then a red light comes on.
How long is the radio show for BBC 1XTRA for then? Did they approach you?
It’s gonna run for 6 months and yeah they approached me, cos I did some work for them back when I was Clipz. Filling in a few shows and that
What are you favourite 5 tunes at the moment? What are the biggest tunes in your bag that always go off?
Umm I don't really know. There's loads of big tunes man. Obviously some of my own tunes like 'Feels So Good', 'Kid Soldiers' and now 'MDMA'. I like the new Skream remix of 'Killa Sounds'. That 'Banner' tune by MJ Cole and Zed Bias. Loads of Rusko bits. His 'Kumon Kumon' tune. Any Rusko tune is good for me! There's loads of big tunes out there though man!
What’s next then?
Just keep on working hard on this. Trying to get my stuff out there and heard. I’ve got a lot of work on at the moment so that should keep my busy!
Redlight has also decided to give away one of his tunes for free for you to download so you grab it below:
Redlight ft. Dread MC - Champion Style
If you haven't already bagged Redlight's Lobster Boy EP, then grab it HERE.
Big up Redlight for finding the time to do this!
Sick blog, keep it up!